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Legion Damage ver.

Legion Damage ver.


The Legion, damaged by the Self-Defense Forces attack, is partially newly sculpted!

Availability:In stock

“Focus all firepower at Legion’s head and support Gamera!”

The colossal Legion – once silenced by the Self-Defense Forces and Gamera’s attack at a location bordering the prefectures of Tochigi and Gunma.
Despite this defeat, it rose up once again with rage-filled crimson eyes and moved to corner Gamera with a new attack as it approached the final line of defense!

This version of Legion, aptly titled the “Damaged Version”, has been brought to the figure world, complete with damaged interference wave claws,
long horns torn off as a result of the Self-Defense Forces’ attacks as well as other various injuries.

Additionally, its unforgettable red eyes, central portion of its head, and the egg chamber located in the abdomen have been carefully recreated using transparent materials, allowing collectors to appreciate both the realistic and faithful sculpting as well as Shonen Ric’s signature DefoReal design.

Don’t miss this opportunity to add this Legion to your legendary collection!

*This product uses the same mold as the "Deforeal Legion" released in 2022.

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Product Type 塗裝完成品
Product Dimensions 高:約19公分 長:約18.5公分
Box Contents Legion:1
Materials PVC
Additional Information 最大訂購數 4個 適齡為15歲以上 *圖片為開發中的物品,可能會與實際商品略有差異,敬請見諒。 *色彩部分為手工上色,可能會出現細微的傷痕,色彩不均勻及個體色彩差異的情況,敬請見諒。 *包裝盒為商品的包材,商品運送過程可能會產生細微的傷痕,摩擦或髒污等情況,在商品本體沒有損壞的情況下,不接受商品與包裝盒的交換,敬請見諒。 *本商品限購每人4件。如有使用不同ID下單或者收件人姓名不同但送往同一地址的情況,我們將取消訂單。 *我們無法更改訂單收件人姓名,收件人必須與訂購人相同。 *这个商品是少年RIC限定商品。 *本商品的生產數量有限,如達到預定銷售數量將會提早結束預訂。 *請注意,如果訂購人數眾多,我們將調整發售日期並開放第二次的預購(並再度發售),還請見諒。 *下单后不可能改变付款方式。 请事先了解这一点。 *发货日期可能会根据订单状况而改变,敬请见谅 ©KADOKAWA NHFN/1996