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Trauma Gamera

Trauma Gamera

appx. USD$61.20
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Trauma Gamera from the movie "Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris"(1999) is
now available as a DefoReal figure!

Availability:In stock

The DefoReal series, which takes “Déformer” and “Realism” and fuses them together in a unique concept, welcomes Trauma Gamera!

Say hello to Trauma Gamera (also known as Nightmare Gamera) from Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris (released in 1999).

This is the sinister-looking Gamera that haunted the nightmares of the tormented Ayana Hirasaka. Its ominous appearance, which could be said to be a manifestation of Ayana’s intense hatred towards Gamera, has been skillfully shrunk down, warped, and transformed all while striking a careful balance to give it that DefoReal look.

Also, the Shonen RIC Exclusive version comes with a miniature version of Gyaos that appeared in the memorable scene from the movie that took place in Shibuya!

Be sure to get this uniquely sinister-looking, deformed version of Trauma Gamera and add it to your collection!

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More Information
Product Type 塗裝完成品
Product Dimensions Trauma Gamera 高:約12公分 Gyaos 高:約5公分
Box Contents Trauma Gamera:1 Gyaos:1
Materials PVC
Additional Information 最大訂購數 6個 適齡為15歲以上 *圖片為開發中的物品,可能會與實際商品略有差異,敬請見諒。 *色彩部分為手工上色,可能會出現細微的傷痕,色彩不均勻及個體色彩差異的情況,敬請見諒。 *包裝盒為商品的包材,商品運送過程可能會產生細微的傷痕,摩擦或髒污等情況,在商品本體沒有損壞的情況下,不接受商品與包裝盒的交換,敬請見諒。 *本商品限購每人6件。如有使用不同ID下單或者收件人姓名不同但送往同一地址的情況,我們將取消訂單。 *我們無法更改訂單收件人姓名,收件人必須與訂購人相同。 *本商品的生產數量有限,如達到預定銷售數量將會提早結束預訂。 *請注意,如果訂購人數眾多,我們將調整發售日期並開放第二次的預購(並再度發售),還請見諒。 *下单后不可能改变付款方式。 请事先了解这一点。 *发货日期可能会根据订单状况而改变,敬请见谅 ©KADOKAWA TNHN/1999 [General Distribution Version Information] DefoReal Trauma Gamera(¥8,000) Orders for the general distribution version will also be taken at hobby stores. The general distribution version does not come with a Gyaos.